Terms & Conditions

Who we are

The University of Lincoln takes seriously its responsibility to respect the privacy and data rights of people using our website or contacting us by email or other electronic means. 

On this page you can find details about copyright law as it applies to content published on the University’s website. You can also find contact information for our Information Compliance team if you have any questions or comments about the University’s approach to data protection, e-privacy or freedom of information.


All material published on the University of Lincoln’s websites (unless stated otherwise), is the property of the University and must not be copied or distributed for any commercial purpose. This includes, but is not limited to, the University’s logo, graphics, website design and contents.

The University permits the taking of copies of material published on its web pages for personal use only, in electronic or hard copy form, providing that the copyright notice, below, is retained on each copy. Making alterations to any of the pages, or using content in any other work or publication, other than for quotation purposes, will be a direct breach of the University’s copyright and may result in civil action.

The University’s prior written permission must be obtained for any other use of material contained in its web pages.


The University of Lincoln makes every possible effort to ensure that the information published on its websites is accurate and up to date, but reserves the right to make amendments at any time and without prior notice.

The University provides hyperlinks to third party websites not affiliated with the University, for the convenience of users only. By linking to these websites the University of Lincoln in no way endorses the contents, views or information held on such sites.

To the fullest extent permitted by the law, the University of Lincoln nor any of its officers or employees shall be liable for any loss, additional costs or damage howsoever arising, suffered as a result of using the University’s websites or links provided to third party websites.

Data Protection Queries

If you have any questions or comments about the University’s approach to data protection, privacy and information compliance, please email: compliance@lincoln.ac.uk or write to:

Information Compliance
Secretariat (Academic Registry)
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool

While the Information Compliance Team is working remotely, we would kindly ask that all communications that are posted are also sent to compliance@lincoln.ac.uk. This will ensure we can respond to your queries in a timely manner while our access to campus is limited.

Further information about the University’s Data Protection Policy and its legal obligations can be found at the following link:
