Level up your learning!

Financial wellbeing and education

Provided by The University of Lincoln, take advantage of an interactive and gamified learning experience, where you will feel empowered with a greater financial resilience and wellbeing.

An education experience

Build confidence in your finances

  • On demand bite-sized courses
  • Gamified experience
Badges and medals are earned by reading content, completing knowledge checkers after each topic, and follow your progress on a leader board against your peers.

A Financial Fitness Assessment to check how you’re doing

Our short multiple choice questions will help you to understand your level of knowledge and relationship with money so that you can receive tailored content to best fit your learning.

A real life connection

Money matters to the community


Our webinars book up quickly, here you can augment your learning for a deeper dive on specific subject matter.


There's lots going on in and around the Campus, so keep up to date with the latest events.

Putting you in control

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Money&Me?

Money&Me is independent, provides access to expert advice and all brought with a positive outlook to bettering your financial wellbeing.

How much does Money&Me cost?

This is a free educational service and should you seek further financial advice from our partners at WEALTH at Work, there may be charges depending on any future products or services purchased from them directly.

Can my employer see my account

We only collect data regarding your personal registration to ensure you have an affiliation with the University. Anything else you fill in within tools, for example, is not stored or shared with the University.

Are there restriction on who can use this service?

You will be able to refer the website to nominated friends & family by providing their email address, but we are looking to build an inclusive community for the betterment of all.

Trusted and respected

What people are saying

"I do not expect my employer to provide this, however I am ever so thankful that it was provided, firstly because I have much to learn and secondly because my employer is the most trustworthy place where I can gain this information and access this kind of expertise."

Focus group feedback

"I definitely would like to attend future webinars about finance, there was much information to absorb so it would be wonderful to be able to attend again and pick up on the information that I missed the first time."

Focus group feedback

"Although I don’t think it is the University’s responsibility at all and I don’t expect it, it would be nice to have financial services providers that the University trusts and recommends that I could engage with for advice and support on things like investments, tax information."

Focus group feedback

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